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"Auteur: Felix Riesterer. Copyright 2008 - logiciel libre selon la license LGPL.""
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"Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright"
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"Powered by: Megabook"
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Zonodig worden ook juridische stappen ondernomen." "Lütfen Konuk defteri uygun kullan! Mantiksiz veya küstah yorumlar derhal silininecektir. ?zel durumlarda hatta kanuni tarafindan silmeye mecburiyetteyiz!" "Livre d'hôtes fonctionnant sans base de données, respectant les normes d'accessibilité, muni de protection anti-pourriel et internationalisé" "Please insert the letter and number combination into the text field before submitting the guestbook entry" "E-Guest Demo (Perl CGI Guestbook System)" "Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright" "Wir behalten uns vor, unangebrachte oder gar den guten Geschmack verletzende Beitr?ge ersatzlos zu l?schen." "N'hésitez pas à signer notre livre d'or QuickTalk." "Powered by Lazarus Guestbook" "Powered by: Silentum Guestbook" "by Felix Riesterer. Copyright 2008 - free software under LGPL." "Powered by: Megabook" "van Felix Riesterer. Copyright 2008-2010 - vrije Software onder LGPL."" 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site proprietors to check whether their work has been duplicated by others. As per the designer, it considers establishments such the College of Ohio, Umass Boston, and Trinity School Dublin among its clients. Snap Here Download Free Enemy of Literary theft Programming (Snake) For Windows (just deals with old Windows variants) Free Programming for Educators Snake is a sort of hostile to counterfeiting programming that makes it simple for instructors just as different clients to actually take a look at text for literary theft. The product examines archives that are transferred into the framework and advises clients if they distinguish sentences, passages or whole records that are available anyplace on the web. Cheats Never Succeed An incredible aspect regarding Snake is that it works rapidly and proficient. Clients are furnished with a login name and secret word that they use to get to the Snake framework. The product just takes up around one megabyte of room and reports that transferred can be coordinated against nearby data sets just as the Internet. Aftereffects of the literary theft check are messaged to clients and any pieces of the message that shows up in different reports will be featured. Never Get Found Out Again Educators who are entrusted with routinely looking at understudies? tasks should ensure that they look at Snake. The way that this product is totally allowed to utilize implies that there isn't anything to lose by taking it for a twist and this is an extraordinary way of really looking at schoolwork tasks and a wide scope of different sorts of reports to ensure that they are totally unique. In any case, this product is just viable with more established variants of Windows and the individuals who have later forms of Windows on their PC should look for another arrangement. Snap Here to Download Work area Literary theft Checker for Windows Free Programming for Instructors Work area Literary theft Checker is exceptional programming that makes it simple for instructors, guardians and different sorts of teachers to really take a look at crafted by their understudies and find whether or not it contains counterfeiting. This product can likewise be utilized by understudies who need to ensure that their work is totally novel so they don't get punished. Recognizing a Duplicate obviously, there are likewise a lot of different sorts of individuals who are probably going to have the option to utilize Work area Copyright infringement Checker. Proficient essayists can likewise utilize the product to ensure they are submitting totally unique work. The product uses five distinct famous web crawlers to check the net rapidly and profoundly any text that coordinates with the submitted work area in any capacity so it tends to be adjusted rapidly and advantageously to stay away from humiliation. Snap Here to Download AntiPlagiarist for Windows Around here at Softonic we dispise counterfeiting intensely and are constantly worried that substandard download destinations will attempt to reorder our product surveys. So the idea of a program that looks at records to check whether cheating has occured is something extremely tantalizing. Despite the fact that AntiPlagiarist will not check against the Internet, it's ready to recognize whether duplicating has been happening between various archives, making it an incredible apparatus for instructors who need to check if their understudies are cheating. What is Copyright infringement? As indicated by https://www.plagiarism.org/article/what-is-literary theft, counterfeiting is: ""turning in another person's work as your own replicating words or thoughts from another person without giving credit neglecting to place a citation in quotes giving inaccurate data about the wellspring of a citation changing words yet duplicating the sentence construction of a source without giving credit replicating such countless words or thoughts from a source that it makes up most of your work, whether or not you give credit (see our segment on "reasonable use" rules) Most instances of copyright infringement can be kept away from, notwithstanding, by refering to sources. Basically recognizing that specific material has been acquired and furnishing your crowd with the data important to observe that source is normally enough to forestall counterfeiting. See our segment on reference for more data on the most proficient method to refer to sources appropriately. Shouldn't something be said about pictures, recordings, and music? Utilizing a picture, video or piece of music in a work you have created without getting legitimate consent or giving proper reference is counterfeiting. The accompanying exercises are exceptionally normal in the present society. In spite of their fame, they actually consider copyright infringement. Replicating media (particularly pictures) from different sites to glue them into your own papers or sites. Making a video utilizing film from others' recordings or utilizing protected music as a component of the soundtrack. Playing out someone else's protected music (i.e., playing a cover). Making a piece out of music that gets intensely from another creation. Positively, these media present circumstances in which it tends to be trying to decide if the copyrights of a work are being disregarded. For instance: A photo or output of a protected picture (for instance: utilizing a photo of a book cover to address that book on one's site) Recording sound or video in which protected music or video is playing behind the scenes. Re-making a visual work in a similar medium. (for instance: shooting a photo that utilizes a similar arrangement and topic as another person's photo) Re-making a visual work in an alternate mechanism (for instance: making an artistic creation that intently takes after someone else's photo). Re-blending or adjusting protected pictures, video or sound, regardless of whether done as such initially. The lawfulness of these circumstances, and others, would be subject to the purpose and setting inside which they are delivered. The two most secure ways to deal with take concerning these circumstances is: 1) Keep away from them through and through or 2) Affirm the works' utilization authorizations and refer to them appropriately. Related Assets Is it Copyright infringement? My Instructor and I Disagree Distributed May 26, 2017 Paul and his educator disagree about the utilization of "normal information." Turnitin Draft Coach™ Turnitin Draft Coach™ assists understudies with working on their scholastic composition and exploration abilities by giving moment criticism where they compose. Accessible for Turnitin Input Studio and Turnitin Inventiveness clients. The Turnitin Copyright infringement Range The Literary theft Range recognizes 10 sorts of counterfeiting dependent on discoveries from an overall study of almost 900 optional and advanced education teachers. "" PopCash.net PopAds.net - The Best Popunder Adnetwork AdF.ly - abbreviate connects and bring in cash! © Download Free Programming for Instructors For Windows Coordinated effort with Web's Insane Understanding Plagiarism Preventing Plagiarism Teaching about Plagiarism Plagiarism Checking Plagiarism Research Plagiarism Policy Search Plagiarism: Facts . Stats Published June 7, 2017 Academic Integrity in High School The Josephson Institute Center for Youth Ethics surveyed 43,000 high school students in public and private schools and found that: 59% of high school students admitted cheating on a test during the last year. 34% self-reported doing it more than two times. One out of three high school students admitted that they used the Internet to plagiarize an assignment For more survey results from the “2010 Report Card on the Ethics of American Youth,” see http://charactercounts.org/programs/reportcard/2010/installment02_report-card_honesty-integrity.html In a survey of 24,000 students at 70 high schools, Donald McCabe (Rutgers University) found that 64 percent of students admitted to cheating on a test, 58 percent admitted to plagiarism and 95 percent said they participated in some form of cheating, whether it was on a test, plagiarism or copying homework. http://www.business.rutgers.edu/tags/332?page=1 Academic Integrity in College and Graduate School A survey of over 63,700 US undergraduate and 9,250 graduate students over the course of three years (2002-2005)--conducted by Donald McCabe, Rutgers University--revealed the following: 36% of undergraduates admit to “paraphrasing/copying few sentences from Internet source without footnoting it.” 24% of graduate students self report doing the same 38% admit to “paraphrasing/copying few sentences from written source without footnoting it.” 25% of graduate students self report doing the same 14% of students admit to “fabricating/falsifying a bibliography” 7% of graduate students self report doing the same 7% self report copying materials “almost word for word from a written source without citation.” 4% of graduate students self report doing the same 7% self report “turning in work done by another.” 3% of graduate students self report doing the same 3% report “obtaining paper from term paper mill.” 2% of graduate students report doing so http://ojs.ml.unisa.edu.au/index.php/IJEI/article/view/14 Additional survey data from McCabe: Graduate Students Undergraduates* Number Responding: ~17,000 71,300 % who admit cheating on tests: 17% 17% % who admit cheating on written assignments: 40% 40% % Total who admit written or test cheating: 43% 43% *Excluding first year students, code schools, and two year schools. Surveys conducted between Fall 2002 and Spring 2011 by Donald McCabe Data provided by International Center for Academic Integrity Notable Smaller-Scale Surveys and Scandals Survey by David Wangaard and Jason Stephens of over 3,600 students in six New England-area high schools found that 95% of students admitted to cheating in the past year. In addition, 57% of these students agreed/strongly agreed with the statement, “It is morally wrong to cheat.” http://www2.cortland.edu/dotAsset/317302.pdf Stuyvesant High School newspaper, The Spectator, survey of 2,045 students in March found that 80 percent said they had cheated in one way or another. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/26/education/stuyvesant-high-school-students-describe-rationale-for-cheating.html?smid=pl-share Seven College Cheating Scandals (short summaries): MBA Students at Duke Maryland Professor “sting” Naval Academy Students Henry Ford II UVa GMAT cheating Indiana University School of Dentistry http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124216746702112585.html Recent Harvard scandal http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/31/education/harvard-says-125-students-may-have-cheated-on-exam.html Fareed Zakaria http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/20/business/media/scandal-threatens-fareed-zakarias-image-as-media-star.html?pagewanted=all Jonah Lehrer http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/03/opinion/freewheelin-bob-dylan-jonah-lehrer-and-the-truth.html?_r=1.pagewanted=all Blog Papers Articles Videos Ask the Experts For Students For Instructors For Researchers For Education Leaders Sponsored by Turnitin logo © 2017 Turnitin, LLC. All Rights Reserved. headset_micLive support Online local_phone1(888)892-5809 1(888)502-0650personSign up httpsLog in ThePlagiarism.com PLAGIARISM CHECK ORDER NOWABOUT US PRICES FAQ BLOG CONTACT US chevron_rightAbout Us chevron_rightPrices chevron_rightFAQ chevron_rightBlog chevron_rightContact Us Support Live Chat Toll free 1(888)892-5809 1(888)502-0650 PLACE AN ORDER Home Blog Plagiarism facts Plagiarism facts Plagiarism facts According to the Webster’s English Dictionary, the definition of plagiarism is given as taking ideas from someone else and then claiming them to be your own. With such an apt definition one can easily make out that plagiarism is not a good thing to do!! But still there are many forms of plagiarism that are prevalent on the internet. One of these forms of plagiarism is called cyber-cheating. This is defined as copying any textual material from the internet and then claiming it to be your own. This also comes into play when the source of the text is an anonymous one. If you put your name against any text from the internet then that is not written by you yourself then you are guilty of cyber cheating. Even if you download any material from the internet and claim it to be your own work during its presentation then also you are said to have cyber cheated the text. Plagiarism is mostly unintentional as the students or writers who copy stuff from the internet have no intention of stealing or robbery or playing with the emotions of the original writer. But in fact they just want to reduce their amount of work and get better quality text just like any other normal human being. The other forms which also count as plagiarism are changing the words and phrases of any text written by anyone on the internet or even fiddling with its layout in order to modify the work and make it look as your own. Even copying down just the title or the idea behind the writing is also included as a form of plagiarism. As mentioned earlier most of the plagiarism issues on the internet are not intentional acts but unfortunately no one listens to such stories once you are caught with a plagiarised piece of writing. It is really strenuous to write your own essay with usage of good vocabulary and citing of information but then the only honest solution is to work on it and follow the rules that are to be followed. Never try to act smart because once you get stuck with any plagiarism issue then you would have a really hard time getting out of it. Some cases could even land you up in jail. Try consulting Theplagiarism.com as they are an experienced lot which will make an effort to prevent any sort of plagiarism in your essay. They would give your essay proper formatting and good citation of references. This would enhance the standard of your essay and you would not have any hassles related to plagiarism. Stay away from plagiarism and utilize your own knowledge to write an essay as it would keep you free from trouble and allow you to concentrate more and aim higher in your studies and career. If you want to use the text of any other person you can do that as a quotation that has the name of the writer cited properly. Keep your papers free from plagiarism and reap the benefits all by yourself without anybody’s help. SHARE THIS POST 1 « Plagiarism and copyright infringement Plagiarism is a crime » OUR PRICES 1 document submission $ 8.95 pay now 5 documents submissions $ 18.95 pay now Unlimited submissions(Monthly package) $ 34.95 pay now Unlimited submissions(Yearly package) $ 115.95 pay now WE ACCEPT Payeer Live Support Latest blog posts PreviousNext ThePlagiarism.com ABOUT US PLAGIARISM CHECK ORDER NOW PRICES FAQ BLOG CONTACT US Useful Articles: Halloween Essay Ideas Essay Writing Troubles 5 Unreasonable Ways of Thinking that Hinder Your Progress What Does Labor Day Mean to You? How Do Teachers Check for Plagiarism? College Life: Learn Well, Live Well Is Plagiarism a Theft or Progress? Similarities and Differences between Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement Why Academic Writing Is Important Best Advice on Becoming an Expert at Writing College Time Management Tips Differences Between Male and Female Academic Writing Cover Letter Tips that Help a Recent Graduate to Land a Great Job The Most Important Job Skills to Acquire Before Finding a Job Summer Music Festivals That Revitalized Students' Minds 5 Tips on How to Spend Your Summer Top 8 Eligible Homework Excuses Effective Ways of Detecting Plagiarism for Teachers Interesting Examples Regarding Plagiarism in Music Citing Sources Is Critical in Academic Writing Scandalous Politics Plagiarism Story Contacts Address Writology Limited, 1-3 Boumpoulinas, Bouboulina Building, Office 42 Nicosia, Cyprus 1060 Toll free 1(888)892-5809 1(888)502-0650 Contact us support@theplagiarism.com ThePlagiarism.com © 2010-2021. All rights reserved Sitemap Terms of use Privacy policy Refund policy Skip to Main Content OU Homepage Search OU OU Social Media The University of Oklahoma OU Libraries LibGuidesPlagiarism... and how to avoid it9 Things You Should Know Search this Guide Search this Guide Plagiarism... and how to avoid it - 9 Things You Should Know Plagiarism Plagiarism 9 Things You Should Know What you can do to avoid plagiarism How to paraphrase Citing information C.R.A.P. test Further information University of Oklahoma Office of Academic Integrity Know What You Don't Know Nine Things You Should Already Know About PLAGIARISM Plus . . . Six Excuses That Don't Work And . . . Three Things You Don't Need To Worry About An informational tool brought to you by the Office of the Provost, the Office of Academic Integrity Programs, and the Integrity Council, with special thanks to the First-Year Composition Program, Department of English. If you are reading this, it is probably because you are interested in avoiding the number one kind of academic misconduct reported at the University of Oklahoma: plagiarism. Reading the material below and completing the accompanying quiz will help ensure that you know what plagiarism is, why it is unacceptable, and how you can avoid it. The concept of plagiarism may seem vague or complicated. Perhaps you have heard it discussed in vague or complicated ways, or perhaps you have never heard it discussed it at all. The basics are very simple -- as long as you stay focused on what writing really is, and what written assignments in college are for. Some of the material in the following lessons may seem extremely simple. If so, a quick review can't hurt. Some of the material may seem naive or unrealistic -- for example, the idea that college is above all an opportunity to "learn and grow." There are plenty of reasons for universities and students to consider plagiarism unacceptable on less idealistic grounds as well. The approach taken here is not the only one, but it is probably the shortest and simplest. Once you have read through the material, you can take a quiz to show your mastery of all the material. The quiz is available at https://static.lib.ou.edu/academicintegrity/player.html. Once you pass the quiz, you will be able to print off a certificate of completion. Nine Things You Should Already Know... page 1 page1image16512 Nine Things You Should Already Know About Plagiarism 1. What is the point of writing assignments? The point of any writing assignment is to improve your understanding of a particular topic or problem, to help you express your understanding in writing, and to let the professor evaluate how well you can understand and write. As with any academic assignment, the important part of a writing assignment is not the paper itself or the grade you get, but the opportunity to learn and grow. 2. What is academic misconduct? Academic misconduct is cheating. More precisely, it is any action that a student knows (or should know) will lead to the improper evaluation of academic work. If the professor does not detect it, academic misconduct defeats the purpose of academic work because you are pretending to know more or write better than you actually do. 3. What is plagiarism? Plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct in which you represent someone else's words or ideas as your own. The basic expectation in every class is that whatever you write will be your own words, generated from your own understanding. Therefore it is acceptable to incorporate someone else's words in your paper only if you clearly indicate the words are someone else's. (It is also possible to plagiarize other forms of expression -- someone else's computer code, mathematical expressions, technical designs, artistic works, etc. Here we are concentrating on plagiarism of words.) Nine Things You Should Already Know... page 2 page2image13952 The important part of a writing assignment is the opportunity to learn and grow. 4. What's wrong with plagiarism? First, plagiarism defeats the purpose of writing assignments. When you substitute someone else's understanding or expression for your own, you avoid the work of using and improving your own expressive ability. Therefore, plagiarism also defeats the university's goal of teaching students to write, not just copy. Second, plagiarism is a form of lying, because the professor is expecting to read your words, not someone else's. Plagiarism destroys the mutual respect that should exist between professor and student. Many professors take plagiarism very personally. If you have ever taken your time to teach someone something you consider valuable and then found that your time was wasted, you will understand the feeling. Third, plagiarism defeats the purpose of scholarship. Thus it is unacceptable from all scholars, not just students. The goal of scholarship is to discover, understand, and create. That purpose is defeated when old knowledge is fraudulently presented as original and new. For the same reason plagiarism is also unacceptable in many nonacademic professional fields such as journalism and creative writing. Exceptions in certain fields do not extend to students. There are certainly some times in industry and the professions where originality and authorship are not important and it is appropriate to take other people's words without citing them. (For example, an executive might copy text for a business plan without being expected to cite the source, or a lawyer might copy language from one contract to another.) However, even if you are training for such a profession, you are a student who is still learning the craft. Whatever the conventions are in the "real world" of employment, in the real world of teaching and learning you are expected to do your own writing and avoid plagiarism no matter what class you are in. Sometimes plagiarism is described as a form of stealing or copyright infringement. It can be. However, it is always unacceptable to plagiarize, even if the author of the work says you can use it. 5. How do I avoid plagiarism? Nine Things You Should Already Know... page 3 Plagiarism defeats the University's goal of teaching students to write, not just copy. There are three things you need to do to avoid plagiarism: Think, Write, and Signal. "Putting in the references" is only one-third of the job. Think. Think about your paper topic and the research you have done. Make sure you have actually thought about everything in your paper well enough to explain it in your own words. Make sure you start the assignment soon enough to think and understand, not just research and type. Write. Generate your own words to express your own understanding. If you cannot get started, or if you think your words are just too clumsy or inadequate, get help from your professor or the Writing Center. Other people's words should always be a supplement, not a substitute, for your own writing. Signal. Clearly signal whenever you are using someone else's words, whether you are using them by direct quotation or paraphrase. Any direct quotation must be indicated by two things: "quotation marks" (or else "block quotation") plus a "reference" (also called a "citation") to the source. A reference alone is not sufficient to signal a direct quotation. In addition, when you are writing your own words you will naturally tend to signal a quotation with an indication in your paper, in your own words, about where the quotation comes from and why you included it -- perhaps because it is well-known, or was written by an expert, or even that it expresses an idea that is particularly mistaken or silly. 6. How do quotation marks, block quotations, and references work? Quotation marks are a form of punctuation used to indicate that words were said or written by someone else. Unless you are writing in a foreign language, a quotation mark looks like this: " Put one quotation mark at the beginning of the quotation and another one at the end. Quotation marks are usually used with quotations no longer than 20 or 25 words. Nine Things You Should Already Know... page 4 page4image17368 page4image17792 page4image17952 Avoiding plagiarism: Think. Write. Signal. page4image18984 page4image19144 page4image19304 page4image19728 page4image19888 A block quotation separates a quotation from the rest of the text by beginning a new line for the quotation, indenting it, then indenting each additional line of the quotation in the same way. "Indenting" means making the line of text farther from the left-hand edge of the paper, usually one inch farther than the rest of the text. Block indentation is usually used with quotations longer than 20 or 25 words. Some systems of citation also require single-spacing and indenting both margins of any block quotation, so be sure to check the appropriate style for your paper. A "reference" or "citation" tells the reader where quoted material comes from. The most common reference forms are text references, footnotes, and endnotes. Which form you should use depends on what class your paper is for. Text references provide source information within the body of the text, usually in parentheses. Footnotes and endnotes consist of a signal in the text, usually a numeral, that is inserted right after the quotation or paraphrase then is reproduced, along with information about the source, either at the bottom of the page (footnote) or at the end of the paper (endnote). All three kinds of references may be accompanied by an extra page at the end of the paper, usually entitled "Bibliography" or "Works Cited" that lists all of the paper's sources in alphabetical order. Merely including the source in your bibliography is totally insufficient to indicate that a passage quoted from that source is not your own writing. Your professor may or may not care which citation system you use. For the purpose of avoiding plagiarism, it doesn't matter, as long as you clearly indicate where every quotation and paraphrase comes from. 7. What is "paraphrase"? Paraphrase is repeating in your own words the thought expressed in someone else's words. Paraphrase ranges from a very loose rewording of the text's basic idea (okay) to a nearly-identical version of the words or sentence structure of the original text (not okay). This spectrum means there is no sharp boundary between appropriate and inappropriate paraphrase. Basically, paraphrase is inappropriate where a reasonable person would say that you have stopped thinking and writing in your own words and are simply restating someone else's thoughts without admitting it. Most commonly, students get in trouble by writing words that stay too close to the original for too long with no signal but a reference to indicate the source. Here are three tips to avoid those problems: Nine Things You Should Already Know... page 5 Don't stop thinking. Understand your source well enough to explain its meaning in your own words. Never paraphrase by copying someone else's words into your paper and then changing them around. Keep paraphrase as short as possible. If your paraphrase goes over a sentence or two, you've probably stopped writing your own words. Signal your source in the text, not just with a reference. If you are in a conversation and think someone else's words are important enough to repeat, you ordinarily explain who said it. Similarly, if a source is important enough to paraphrase, it is important enough to mention in your text, not just in a footnote. 8. What are the most common kinds of plagiarism? At OU there are three common kinds of plagiarism: whole-paper, cut- and-paste, and cut-and-paste with references. Whole-paper plagiarism. In this form of plagiarism, all or most of the student's paper is lifted from another student or a published source, for example the Internet, a book, or a print article. It is especially bad to buy a paper from any source that offers ready-made term papers. Students who have engaged in this form of plagiarism in the past have been expelled from the University. Cut-and-paste plagiarism. In this form of plagiarism, parts of a paper ranging from phrases and sentences to entire paragraphs are taken from the Internet or somewhere else and incorporated into the student's paper with no signal that they are not the student's own expression. Cut-and-paste plagiarism with references. In this form of plagiarism, words or ideas in a paper are included from another source, a reference to the source is included, but there is no quotation signal. Again, the problem is that a reference indicates only that the accompanying text is somehow derived from or related to the cited source. A reference alone does not show that the text is a direct quotation from that source. Thus a reference alone Nine Things You Should Already Know... page 6 page6image18632 Never paraphrase by copying someone else's words into your paper and then changing them around. page6image21392 does not suspend the professor's expectation that the words are your own words. A direct quotation with a reference but without quotation marks is plagiarism. 9. What are the penalties for plagiarism? At OU, acts of plagiarism can receive institutional penalties ranging from a letter of reprimand to required coursework to expulsion. All academic misconduct offenses also receive grade penalties determined by the instructor. Grade penalties are not restricted to the value of the assignment and may be up to an F in the course. Juniors and seniors who plagiarize any significant portion of a paper should expect at least a suspension for a spring or fall semester. Under the right circumstances even freshmen and sophomores may also receive suspensions or even be expelled for plagiarism. Six Excuses That Don't Work "But I didn't mean to plagiarize!" "I didn't mean to" is the most common excuse to a charge of plagiarism. The test in an academic misconduct case is whether the student knew or should have known that his or her actions amounted to misconduct. Whether or not you learned them in high school, whether or not you took freshman English, whether or not you ever heard a teacher mention them, as an OU student you are expected to know the basic rules of academic integrity. If those basic rules get broken, you are guilty of academic misconduct. "But I just forgot to go back and add the references!" Another frequently-heard excuse is that the student included material from another source and then either "just forgot to add the references" or else put them in but "accidentally turned in the wrong draft." Unless the plagiarism is truly minor, the student would still be in trouble even if such excuses are true. Cut-and-paste papers usually contain lots of directly-quoted material that substitutes for the student's own writing, appears without Nine Things You Should Already Know... page 7 page7image17408 page7image17568 page7image17992 page7image18152 page7image18576 page7image18736 "I didn't mean to" is the most common excuse to a charge of plagiarism. page7image19864 page7image20288 page7image20448 quotation marks, and lacks any textual indication that the material is quoted. In such cases, the quoted text substitutes for the student's own writing. Merely "adding the footnotes" never cures plagiarism if words have been directly quoted. Curing the plagiarism with footnotes and quotation marks often reveals that the student did a lot of copying but very little actual thinking or writing. Really curing plagiarism means starting from the beginning: thinking and writing first, quoting and signaling as appropriate. Stringing together words downloaded or copied from elsewhere has nothing to do with true writing and is never, ever a good way to write even a first draft. "I just wasn't careful enough to make the writing my own words!" Sometimes students "write" a paper not by generating words from their own understanding, but by copying text, then changing a few words so the passage is no longer an exact quotation. This approach is a form of improper paraphrase. It defeats the purpose of the writing assignment, which is to form a real understanding and then express it in one's own words. If the words and structure of the original are changed enough, the end result of the copy-then-change approach may be different enough from the source that it finally becomes your "own," sort of. Usually, that requires far more work than just writing your own words in the first place. Far more often, the work is only superficially different and the result is a charge of plagiarism. Never paraphrase by copying someone else's words into your paper and then changing them around. "But I'm presenting facts, not ideas." Sometimes students think they only need to use their own words for ideas, not facts. Even when it's possible to tell the difference between the two (and it's usually not) the fact-idea distinction is irrelevant. Except for clearly-signaled quotations, every bit of any writing exercise needs to reflect the student's own expression of the student's own understanding. Sometimes it may seem that there is only one way to express some things -- highly technical lab procedures, for instance. Don't worry too much about this: once you have understood it, put the original source away and rely only on your own understanding when you write your own words. When you write from your own understanding, you will express yourself uniquely enough to avoid plagiarism. Nine Things You Should Already Know... page 8 "But this writer said it so much better than I can." Maybe so, but students who only copy will never learn to say anything very well. This excuse points to another possible problem. In order to write from your own understanding, you must give your understanding a chance to operate. If you limit your research to one source, you might truly start to think there is only one thing to say on a topic, and it has already been said. The cure for that is more research, and more thinking too. "But plagiarism only applies to term papers or English classes." All writing for any class is presumed to be the student's own expression of the student's own understanding. Even in open-book, open- note exams, even in highly technical courses, even when the professor says he or she "isn't particular" or "doesn't care" about references, it is always plagiarism to present copied words as the expression of your own understanding. It is still plagiarism if you copy from a source like the class textbook or the professor's website. And although it's not plagiarism if you signal those words appropriately, you should be aware that there is almost no assignment at the college level that can be appropriately completed just by copying large amounts of text. And finally... Nine Things You Should Already Know... page 9 Using other people's work means understanding it well enough to use it in your own thought and explain it in your own words. Three Things You Don't Need To Worry About "How can I ever do research for my paper if it's wrong to use other people's words and ideas?" It's not wrong to use other people's words and ideas. It's wrong to present them as your own. Using other people's work without simply copying it means you have to understand it well enough to explain it in your own words and use it in your own thought. "How can I ever be sure my paper doesn't include some phrase I forgot I read somewhere?" The "your own words" requirement doesn't mean you have to make up a language. Some English phrases are very common and will obviously show up in the writing of many different people. Plagiarism only arises when a string of words or thoughts is long enough that individual variations in expression are likely to occur. Most people are unable to remember enough consecutive words from another source to make unintentional quotation a real problem. "What if someone else had an idea first and I don't know about it?" The "your own understanding" requirement doesn't mean you have to discover ideas no one else has ever had. It doesn't mean you have to give a reference for ideas or facts that everyone is aware of. It doesn't mean you are in trouble if a similar idea was expressed in a book you haven't read. A problem arises only when the idea is so unusual, or your expression of the idea comes so close to its expression in the other text, that reasonable people would think you probably copied it. Is it possible that could happen by accident? Despite the theoretical possibility of such a coincidence, there is no record at OU that it has ever happened. Nine Things You Should Already Know... page 10 University of Oklahoma Office of Academic Integritypage10image16744 Last Updated: Jun 9, 2021 11:01 AM Login to LibApps Subjects: Business . Economics OU Libraries Logo University Libraries 401 West Brooks Street Norman, OK 73019 (405) 325-4142 Contact Us About This Site Accessibility Job Opportunities Copyright Policies Legal Notice Facebook, opens in new tab. Twitter, opens in new tab. 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Sign up to remove ads and customize your list of languages Sign Up Saying Plagiarism in Middle-Eastern Languages Language Ways to say plagiarism Arabic سرقة أدبية [sariqat 'adabia] Edit Hebrew גְנֵבָה סִפרוּתִית Edit Kurdish (Kurmanji) dizîparêzî Edit Persian سرقت ادبی Edit Saying Plagiarism in African Languages Language Ways to say plagiarism Afrikaans plagiaat Edit Amharic ስርቆት Edit Chichewa plagiarism Edit Hausa plagiarism Edit Igbo plagiarism Edit Kinyarwanda gukopera Edit Sesotho kopa Edit Shona kubiridzira Edit Somali Qishka Edit Swahili wizi wa maandishi Edit Xhosa ukukopa Edit Yoruba Plagiarism Edit Zulu umqondo womunye Edit Saying Plagiarism in Austronesian Languages Language Ways to say plagiarism Cebuano plagiarism Edit Filipino panunulad Edit Hawaiian plagiarism Edit Indonesian plagiat Edit Javanese plagiarism Edit Malagasy fisandohana Edit Malay plagiarisme Edit Maori tinihanga Edit Samoan togafiti pepelo Edit Sundanese plagiarisme Edit Saying Plagiarism in Other Foreign Languages Language Ways to say plagiarism Esperanto plagiato Edit Haitian Creole Kopye sa moun kreye Edit Latin plagiarism Edit Dictionary Entries near plagiarism placename placenta placid plagiarism plagiarist plagiarize plague Cite this Entry "Plagiarism in Different Languages." In Different Languages, https://www.indifferentlanguages.com/words/plagiarism. Accessed 09 Nov 2021. Copy Browse Words Alphabetically ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Ezoicreport this ad HomeAboutBlogContact UsTerms of ServicePrivacy Policy Follow Us plagiarism documentary, plagiarism explained, plagiarism examples, plagiarism essay, plagiarism examples in real life, plagiarism explanation for students, plagiarism ethics, plagiarism effects, bts plagiarism exo, plagiarism for kids, plagiarism free, plagiarism free articles, plagiarism for middle school students, Skip to content Search Create AccountLogin Products Solutions Resources Support Contact Sales Blog 5 min read Wednesday 11 July 2018 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Plagiarism There are a variety of things you may not know about plagiarism! Jonathan Bailey Editor, Plagiarism Today Subscribe! Turnitin blog posts, delivered straight to your inbox. Did you know that the first time the word “plagiarism” was used in its modern sense was roughly 80 AD? It became a part of our regular English vernacular over 400 years ago and has been in the dictionary for nearly two and a half centuries. And while plagiarism is an important topic of conversation recently in schools, politics, the news and beyond, there are still many things that people may not know about it. Here are a few interesting facts that will help you to better understand the wide world of plagiarism. 1: Old Cases of Plagiarism Are Constantly Being Discovered In 2015, NPR discovered plagiarism in some of its articles dating back to 2011. In 2017, famed war photographer Eduardo Martins was revealed to be a fraud after it was discovered that his images were plagiarized. This was after operating for several years and amassing some 125,000 Instagram followers. Just because you get away with a plagiarism today doesn’t mean you will tomorrow. Old cases of plagiarism are routinely being detected years or even decades after the fact using modern plagiarism detection software. 2: Plagiarism Tools are Now Being Used to Detect Government Waste In February of 2018, it was revealed that a controversial company that had failed to deliver hot meals to hurricane-devastated Puerto Rico won a $156 million contract despite plagiarizing its proposal. The story has been cited as an example of how FEMA’s application process needs a process for identifying questionable applications. Plagiarism detection plays an even bigger role in dealing with authentic research grants. In 2013, the National Science Foundation found itself investigating nearly 100 cases of suspected plagiarism in proposals that were submitted and approved the year prior. These cases often stem from researchers duplicating their proposals or releasing several similar proposals to improve their chances. However, these cases also often result in double-funding of experiments and, like in FEMA’s case, a massive loss of time and materials. 3: Plagiarism Regularly Causes Political Turmoil Though plagiarism scandals in the U.S. rarely seem to have any significant impact, elsewhere they can be a force for major political change. Romania, for example, has had not one, but two separate Prime Ministers forced out in part due to plagiarism scandals. However, it’s Germany where plagiarism has made the most direct impact. There, a wave of plagiarism allegations that began in 2012 directly resulted in the resignation of several top ministers. Plagiarism, especially when it endangers the university degree of the plagiarist, can be a major catalyst in ending their careers 4: Plagiarism Detection Technology is Evolving While plagiarism detection may seem to be nothing more than text matching, at its top tiers, it’s much more than that. In January 2012, Turnitin announced that it was expanding to include detection of translated plagiarism, filling a widely-known gap in its detection tools. In February 2018, Turnitin made a similar announcement, this time that it is working with several University partners to go beyond text matching and into authorship detection. The move is aimed at detecting contract cheating, where students buy or otherwise have others write papers for them. While these papers may not be plagiarized from outside sources, they are still plagiarism in that the student did not produce the writing they are submitting. This approach involves looking at previous writing samples belonging to the student and then comparing the samples to the new writer to see if it was likely written by the same person. 5: The Legal Landscape is Evolving Too It’s not just technology that’s evolving to keep up with the changing face of plagiarism, governments are, as well. In the United Kingdom, an amendment to the Higher Education and Research bill seeks to make it illegal to provide or advertise “cheating services” such as essay mills. The move is actually based on existing laws that are already in effect in New Zealand. In the UK, there’s also a push to force universities to block access to essay mill websites on their local networks, much the same way they are compelled to block websites engaged in piracy. While it’s unclear what impact these moves will have, what it does illustrate is just how seriously governments around the world are taking the issue of plagiarism and contract cheating. Plagiarism is an ever-evolving landscape that changes with growing technology and our global connectedness. It’s crucial that we stay tuned into how it continues to grow... This post was contributed by Jonathan Bailey, a foremost expert in plagiarism. He has spent over 16 years fighting plagiarism professionally and currently blogs on Plagiarism Today, where he raises awareness about the importance of digital literacy and the societal effects of plagiarism. Want to provide meaningful student feedback and deter plagiarism? Learn more about Feedback Studio. Products Feedback Studio Gradescope Turnitin Originality Turnitin Similarity iThenticate Revision Assistant Solutions Higher Education Secondary Education Research Publication Partners Support Help System Status Support Center Company About Careers Press Blog Accessibility Privacy CA Privacy Rights Connect Turnitin Educator Network Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest © 2021 Turnitin, LLC. All rights reserved. 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Raw material selection In order to save costs, some seamless steel pipe manufacturers will use round steel produced by small steel plants for processing, but the round steel produced by these small steel plants will contain many impurities, bubbles, interlayers, pores, etc., which will easily cause cracks after post-processing. problem. PMC steel pipe round bars are purchased from Baosteel, Huaigang and other high-quality round bars, and the source is reliable. 2. Inadequate heat treatment temperature control Small manufacturers do not have professional production experience and technology. Workshop workers cannot guarantee whether the heat treatment of the steel pipe is in place based on the heating temperature and duration alone, and the heat treatment will change the mechanical properties of the steel pipe. However, general manufacturers do not have clear indicators for different steel grades, wall thicknesses, mechanical properties, etc., and no testing equipment to determine whether the pipe has reached the performance indicators required by the customer. How does PMC control production? Each batch of steel pipes produced by PMC steel pipes has clear temperature and speed indicators for normalizing, annealing and tempering, and a tensile test will be carried out to determine whether the product meets the performance required by the customer. These data parameters are used as the basis for production So as to ensure the stability of the customer's product quality and end use, rather than just relying on the experience of a certain worker to determine, this is the main factor why PMC steel pipe has been cooperating with many well-known enterprises in the industry for more than ten years. 3. Straightening strength Straightening is equivalent to secondary deformation. Two-way force is applied during straightening. If the operator is not experienced enough, the straightening force is too strong, and the thick-walled pipe will cause internal damage and cracks if the strength of the thick-walled pipe is not well controlled. This is also the reason for the cracking of the steel pipe in the later stage. 4. Drawing deformation If the drawing deformation is too large, steel pipe cracks will also be formed, causing the steel pipe to crack during the later processing. Bright tube has low elongation, generally 7-8%, large deformation, low elongation; small deformation, high elongation. Some small manufacturers cut corners and cut corners to save craftsmanship. The three deformations were changed to twoBusiness Management Articles, which expanded the deformation and caused excessive stress to cause cracking. 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China Introduction How to handle color saturation of book printing 5 Great Tips On Deciding On The Best Book Printing Services 3 Tips on How to Choose a Suitable Printing Factory 3 book printing processes that determine the effect of book covers What book binding method is best for you? What to Look for in Offset Printing Printing Inks Market -Solvent-Based Printing Inks, Water-Based Printing Inks, Oil-Based Printing Ink Digital Printing-Luring Customers Services For Business Advanced Printing Equipments for Making Better Business Cards RSS Digg: What is board book printing? Email: What is board book printing? Premium Author Mayee9009 What is board book printing? Business Articles | September 16, 2021 Cardboard book is a book printed directly on thick cardboard. Because of their thickness, they are usually bound by saddle stitching. They are very suitable for playing with young children and are also an excellent educational tool for young children. There are many options for board book printing, including custom board book printing that is shaped and trimmed to your liking. What is board book printing? Cardboard book is a book printed directly on thick cardboard. Because of their thickness, they are usually bound by saddle stitching. They are very suitable for playing with young children and are also an excellent educational tool for young children. There are many options for board book printing, including custom board book printing that is shaped and trimmed to your liking. For children's board books, art paper is usually used to pack art paper so that each page is thick enough. You can design two rounded corners to protect the children when flipping and reading the book. Board printing is becoming more and more popular due to its wide range of benefits for young children, and children's board printing can creatively attract young children. With the vigorous development of smart phones in family life, a whiteboard book provides a refreshing change for parents, teachers and learners to establish basic learning modules. To print card board book is becoming more and more popular and has different benefits for toddlers and children. Especially in the printing of pictures and drawing boards for toddlers and preschoolers. Even the small details of the production are also paid attention to. When making round corners and die-cutting, they must be round enough, which is good for children. In China, cardboard book printing is an economical way to make the best cardboard books for your children. You can see great cost savings, while having excellent printing and binding quality. Cardboard books are books in which each page is made of thick cardboard. Children’s small hands sometimes encounter difficulties and cannot turn thinner paper materials. Using a cardboard book to print thick pages can make it easier to turn the pages, as well as possible tearing problems. This kind of binding is very suitable for children's books, because the cardboard makes the book durable and can withstand a large number of children's flipping, and the thick cardboard allows the little fingers to easily turn the pages without help. Most cardboard books also use rounded corners to prevent paper cutting. In fact, the binding method of writing on the blackboard is not technically "binding" at all. Each set of 2 pages is printed, cut, and then glued to another cardboard. Cardboard books traditionally use laminated finishes or glossy UV on all pages to increase durability and protect them from the harsh treatments they would normally receive during use. As the best company of board book printing china, we will ensure the use of special soy ink for printingArticle Submission, and strictly enforce safety and standard regulations when printing board books. Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com ABOUT THE AUTHOR BookPrintingChina has many years' experience of printing books. Our expert team can guide you through the whole process, from the original idea through to storage and delivery. You can supply your own design and artwork or we can produce it for you from a brief. We will support from artwork checking, free artwork modification. We also advise you on the optimum sizes, paper stocks and binding methods. PDF proof, digital proof, and hard proofs are also available. So you know exactly what you are ordering. Our experienced staff and well equipped, modern print facility mean we can produce your books to the highest standards in just a few days. Contact us at BookPrintingChina to discuss your next manual printing project. 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What is the appearance requirements of LSAW steel pipes? LSAW Steel Pipe Symbol And Acceptance LSAW Steel Pipe Rust Method Piling With Large Caliber LSAW Steel Pipe Factors that Cause Porosity in LSAW Steel Pipes Rapid development reasons of abamectin Lead Development: Remember the Prospects Who Aren’t Ready to Buy Transportation of LSAW Steel Pipe Acceptance of LSAW Difference of LSAW and SSAW Are you looking for a reliable web development company in Nanaimo Acceptance Standard of ERW,LSAW Straight Seam Steel Pipe How to Increase the Stability of LSAW Steel Pipes? Difference of ERW, SSAW and LSAW RSS Digg: The development prospects of LSAW Email: The development prospects of LSAW Premium Author Lily Chung The development prospects of LSAW ECommerce Articles | September 16, 2021 With the in-depth research of LSAWand the extension of application fields, it is expected that in the future, the market demand for LSAW will continue to increase gradually, and the market capacity wi... With the in-depth research of LSAWand the extension of application fields, it is expected that in the future, the market demand for LSAW will continue to increase gradually, and the market capacity will continue to increase. The reasons are as follows: 1. Large-scale infrastructure construction stimulates domestic demand and brings stainless steel welded pipes such as highways, railways, and water conservancy; 2. The rigid requirements of traditional application fields are the expansion of application fields brought about by the maturity of application technology; With the continuous adjustment of the market and the growth of demand, LSAW will usher in a new situation. Enterprises should continue to make new attempts and innovations, find breakthroughs, and be fully prepared for future development. Changsha Xiangjia Metal Materical Co., Ltd. the Steel Pipe Division of ADTO GROUP, is one of the Free Articles, Free Web Content, Reprint Articles Tuesday, November 16, 2021 Search Free Articles, Free Web Content, Reprint ArticlesRegisterAll CategoriesTop AuthorsSubmit Article (Article Submission)ContactSubscribe Free Articles, Free Web Content, Reprint Articles RELATED ARTICLES How to Learn and Practice to be a Pianist 3 Simple Tips If You Want to Teach Yourself to Play Piano Effective Ways to Remove Unwanted Hairs and Their Benefits Practicing the Piano Intelligently Why should hire a Professional Piano Mover Piano Dealers - What to Look for When You Want a New Piano Remove unwanted body hair with effective and affordable methods Points To Consider When Buying A Piano Search For A Reputable Riverside Piano Refinishing Company Lipo: Remove Unwanted Fat That Won’t Burn Off A Couple Ways to Teach Yourself Piano Do You Want More Information On Laser Hair Removal In Philadelphia? Have Your Piano Relocated by the Professional Crew of Piano Movers Austin How to Play the Piano - Basic Piano Learning Techniques for Beginners The Piano Man and Piano Dealers RSS Digg: 5 Ways To Remove Your Unwanted Piano Email: 5 Ways To Remove Your Unwanted Piano Premium Author Jennifer Lee7 5 Ways To Remove Your Unwanted Piano Hobbies Articles | September 16, 2021 There will come a time when you’ll need to remove some of the large items in your home. That old piano may be one of them. The thought of removing such a valuable or sentimental item may give yo... There will come a time when you’ll need to remove some of the large items in your home. That old piano may be one of them. The thought of removing such a valuable or sentimental item may give you some second thoughts but the need and urgency to dispose of it deny you of that choice. Are you in the midst of a home renovation? Are you in the process of moving to a smaller loft and you can’t bring that big old piano? There are a bunch of reasons why you can no longer keep or take care of that piano. You just need to know all available options that are there, right? Allow us to help you come up with the most sound decision for your piano. We have listed below the top 5 ways of disposing of your old piano. Sell Your Unwanted Piano Online Thanks to the power of the internet, quickly getting rid of that piano while getting back some of the money you’ve invested in it can become a possibility. There are a lot of markets out there where you can find potential buyers for your piano. The most common and popular marketplaces are Facebook, eBay, and Craiglist. There are also a lot of local online platforms where you can meet buyers near you. You can communicate with them and even request the buyer to pick up the piano at your location. Note: Although old pianos are treated as antiques, they usually aren’t worth a lot of money. Donate Your Piano to Charity Institutions If you think that selling your piano is not worth the effort, you can consider donating it. You can bring the piano directly to charity organisations or have them pick it up from your home. Check your local network for schools, churches, or institutions that are willing to accept your piano. These are places where your piano can still be of service. You can be assured that they’ll take care of your instrument for you. Recycling the Piano for Reuse of Valuable Parts and Materials A piano is a musical instrument that is composed of many valuable and durable parts. The hardwood itself has been cured and laminated for the purpose of stability and durability. Its strings, on the other hand, are made of high carbon steel. If your piano is broken and beyond repair, it is best to recycle it to salvage the still usable parts. The parts mentioned above may be valuable in terms of their quality but be aware that they don’t catch high prices when sold. It is better to recycle the materials or repurpose them into something you can use. Recycling and dismantling the piano by yourself is also not a good idea. It is very easy to destroy the parts and make them totally unusable if you don’t apply safety measures while doing the task. We advise that you hire a junk removal company or send the piano to a recycling centre to ensure the recycling process will be as smooth as possible. Offer the Piano to Friends, Family, and Music Students at a Cheap Price or for Free You may have no use for that old piano but there are a lot of people out there who may need the instrument and have used it. Start by offering the piano to your friends and family at a cheap price. However, you have to make sure that your instrument is still in respectable shape or can still be repaired. There are music students out there who don’t have the means to purchase a piano. You can as well just give it to them for free. A small act of generosity and charity through that old piano wouldn’t hurt you, right? Call a Piano Removal Company to Properly Deconstruct, Recycle, and Dispose of Your Old Piano If all the options mentioned above don’t work for you, you can always opt for hiring a piano removal company. These companies have the means and abilities to take care or dispose of your old piano for you. This can be your best option, especially when you’re in a hurry to get rid of that piano as soon as possible. Remember that not all rubbish removal companies are the same. You have to carefully scrutinise which one to hire depending on your needs. Check their prices, reputationsScience Articles, and availability of services in your area. Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jennifer Lee is a Content Strategist for Paul's Rubbish Removal, a leading rubbish removal in Sydney. She enjoys writing about home decor and home improvement topics and has a natural passion in helping her clients achieve their business growth goals. Health Business Finance Travel Technology Home Repair Computers Marketing Autos Education Entertainment Family Law Other Communication ECommerce Sports Home Business Internet Self Help Partners California Bail Bonds Bounty Hunters Immigration Attorney Moving Relocation Services Alpine Car Audio Carpet Cleaning Los Angeles Free Articles Home | Register | Submit an Article | Links | Contact | Archive | XML/RSS Feed Terms of Service | Privacy Policy Page loaded in 0.096 seconds leading manufacturers of steel products in China. We specializes in manufacturing all kinds of steel pipe in various grades and sizes. Years of production experience and manufacturing facilities who have a capacity of 200Free Web Content,000 tons per annual will ensure the good quality and competitive duration of our products. Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com ABOUT THE AUTHOR lily@adtooo.com Health Business Finance Travel Technology Home Repair Computers Marketing Autos Education Entertainment Family Law Other Communication ECommerce Sports Home Business Internet Self Help Partners California Bail Bonds Bounty Hunters Immigration Attorney Moving Relocation Services Alpine Car Audio Carpet Cleaning Los Angeles Free Articles Home | Register | Submit an Article | Links | Contact | Archive | XML/RSS Feed Terms of Service | Privacy Policy Page loaded in 0.034 seconds plagiarism u of mn Free Articles, Free Web Content, Reprint Articles Tuesday, November 16, 2021 Search Free Articles, Free Web Content, Reprint ArticlesRegisterAll CategoriesTop AuthorsSubmit Article (Article Submission)ContactSubscribe Free Articles, Free Web Content, Reprint Articles RELATED ARTICLES Learning Industrial Property Investments Choosing the Right Real Estate Investments Benefits of investing in residential property Investing in Foreclosed Property Making Money with Online Forex Investing High Yield Investments – 7 Things To Consider Before You Invest Discover ways to Make Productive Investments in Foreign Real Estate Investing in a slow market? It’s all a case of demand and supply! Properties in dahisar are increasing day by day A Review Of Commercial Property Investment Top 3 factors to consider before investing in a rental property Advantages Of Investing In The Barbados Real Estate Compare Investments - Things to Keep in Mind How to Triple Your Investments Overnight by Investing in Penny Stocks Is Intellectual Property a Good Investment? RSS Digg: Investing 101: 5 Things to Know About Property Investments Email: Investing 101: 5 Things to Know About Property Investments Premium Author McKenzie Jones Investing 101: 5 Things to Know About Property Investments Finance Articles | September 16, 2021 Are you considering whether to make property investing a part of your portfolio? This is a choice that can bring you plenty of advantages. The economic growth that you can experience from investing is not to be scoffed at. There are a few things that you will need to consider before you make your final choice. Here are 5 of them. Are you considering whether to make property investing a part of your portfolio? This is a choice that can bring you plenty of advantages. The economic growth that you can experience from investing is not to be scoffed at. There are a few things that you will need to consider before you make your final choice. Here are 5 of them. 1. You'll Need to Have Legal Representation The first thing you will need to keep in mind when deciding to invest in real estate is that you will need to have expert legal representation. Issues such as litigation over a Delaware statutory trust are extremely complex. If your legal knowledge as a layman and first-time investor isn't up to par, you will definitely need a lawyer to sort it out for you. 2. You Need to Know the Area The second thing to consider is that you need to have at least a working knowledge of the area you will be investing in. A solid investment involves much more than just the property you may be buying. In addition to the actual property, you need to know about the area it is located in. What are home and commercial values like in this area? Knowing whether property values are on the upswing or in a deep decline is crucial. An investment that is being sold at a discount beyond the normal run of things should ring alarm bells. Are other commercial investors pulling out of the area due to it being undesirable? The more you know about an area, the better your decision will be. 3. You Need to Know Your Financial Limits The next thing you need to know when considering your investment options is the limit of your financial viability. The last thing that you want to do is get in over your head. This is an area where a huge number of hidden charges and surprise fees can suddenly come to the forefront. You need to have a realistic idea of what you are getting into. The income that you generate will help to determine what type of properties you can buy. It will also fix a solid limit to the number of properties that you can invest in. You may be able to use loans to extend this final figure. But it's a very good idea to invest wisely and well within the limits of your present budget. 4. You Need to Know Your Investment Options You may be able to invest in a great many more types of properties than you presently realize. You may already have ruled out several types of investments simply because you can't see yourself living in them or profiting from owning them. But this is a major mistake. You may be turning your back on a very lucrative opportunity. Sometimes you may turn up your nose at a particular property because the area around it is undeveloped at present. You may also choose to say no to investment because the property itself is in desperate need of repair. This may be a mistake because, once the repairs are made, the value of the property may double or triple. 5. You Need to Form Long Term Plans The last thing you will need to consider is what your long-term plans for property investment will amount to. Do you want to keep investing in the same type of property or branch out into a wide variety of other options? Some people prefer to stick with the type of investment that they are most familiar with. Others who are less conservative may prefer to experiment. It's up to you to devise your own strategy. Investing is a Life-Long Process Investing in any kind of real estate can be a short or long-term affair. You may be investing to renovate the property, flip it, and make a quick buck. HoweverArticle Submission, the process of investing can prove to be a lifelong occupation. It's a good idea for you to be fully acquainted with the process before you engage in it. Article Tags: Know About Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com ABOUT THE AUTHOR McKenzie is your typical Midwestern gal. When she is not writing or reading, she can be found training for her next half-marathon, baking something sweet, playing her guitar, or cuddled up with her golden retriever, Cooper. She loves watching football, fall weather, and long road trips. Health Business Finance Travel Technology Home Repair Computers Marketing Autos Education Entertainment Family Law Other Communication ECommerce Sports Home Business Internet Self Help Partners California Bail Bonds Bounty Hunters Immigration Attorney Moving Relocation Services Alpine Car Audio Carpet Cleaning Los Angeles Free Articles Home | Register | Submit an Article | Links | Contact | Archive | XML/RSS Feed Terms of Service | Privacy Policy Page loaded in 0.115 seconds plagiarism cityu Free Articles, Free Web Content, Reprint Articles Tuesday, November 16, 2021 Search Free Articles, Free Web Content, Reprint ArticlesRegisterAll CategoriesTop AuthorsSubmit Article (Article Submission)ContactSubscribe Free Articles, Free Web Content, Reprint Articles RELATED ARTICLES Kitchen Renovation in a Condo: Big Ideas for a Small Space What to use storage shed for around the house How To Give Your Home More Space, Part 1 Exercise Equipment for Small Spaces Find out the Easiest Way to upgrade your Home’s value with Custom Closets Smart Ideas For Small Spaces Useful, Cheap Fitness Equipment You Might not Have Considered Reebok Exercise Equipment for Any Fitness Enthusiast Advice for Buying Servicing Commercial Kitchen Equipment Need Some Ideas For An At Home Business? – Help Is Here Where to Get Good Used Home Exercise Equipment Garage Storage Ideas : Be More Efficient With Your Space What Type of Baby Equipment Will You Need? Smart Ways to Decorate Small Homes Within Limited Budget XL Beds - Dorm Room Ideas RSS Digg: 5 Home Gym Equipment Ideas If You Have Limited Space Email: 5 Home Gym Equipment Ideas If You Have Limited Space Premium Author Marko Rakic 5 Home Gym Equipment Ideas If You Have Limited Space Fitness Articles | September 16, 2021 Having a small room or apartment doesn't mean you need to skip out on exercise, check out these easy home gym equipment ideas if you have minimal space. Let us face it, with the reigning pandemic and lockdowns looming around every corner many of us have taken it on ourselves to start exercising from home. Some by choice, others not so much in the same regard. When you’re a fitness fanatic and don’t know which corner to turn because you can’t go to the gym you’re probably looking for ways that you can exercise at home, for those of us that are doing forms of bodybuilding we probably want some type of resistance training as well that can only come from lifting weights. Regardless of who you are or what your choice is, there are options for us to train at home, even if you have limited space such as a studio apartment. Below is a list of equipment that you could use at home, even if you have limited space and best of all, they don’t cost a fortune. 5 Gym Equipment Ideas You Can Use At Home If You Have Limited Space Adjustable Dumbbells Dumbbells are usually an essential part of strength training and if you’ve ever gone to a proper gym they usually have a whole section entirely dedicated to dumbbells ranging from a few pounds to a few hundred pounds. It’s really a gym staple. Adjustable dumbbells are great because you don’t need to have 20 different dumbbells sitting in your home which takes up a lot of space, they are basically like your ordinary dumbbells except that the weight is not fixed. They tend to have a locking system and come with different plates of weights that you can fix to the dumbbell and then lock it. This makes it easy to start with a low number and then work your way up as you build upon your strength training, pretty neat right? Adjustable Kettlebells Much like the adjustable dumbbells, adjustable kettlebells are similar in nature where you can increase the weight range of them and lock them into place. Some of them have a simple system where you just push a button to release the weights and then clip in further sizes, usually in 6-pound increments. Kettlebells are a lot more versatile than dumbbells because you can use them to do things such as goblet squats, as well as bicep curls and various other kettlebell exercises. They’re a great space saver as well as they can just sit in your wardrobe or in a corner. Ab Wheel Rollers You’ve probably seen these around at gyms, people usually look like they’re flattening out the pastry of a pizza base on the floor moving up and down. Those are called ab rollers, they can be used to train your core, hips, arms and back muscles and don’t require much room other than your body size. Skipping rope If you’re opting for a cardio option instead of weights, then a skipping rope is always going to be a staple for any fitness enthusiast. You don’t need much room other than where you’re standing and if your place has a common area like a backyard or courtyard then you can simply take it out with you as it’s very mobile and light without much hassles. Conclusion As you can see, you can still get an intense workout even if you have limited space with these options. And if you can’t afford any of them yet, then you can focus on the good old basics of callisthenics such as pushups, situpsPsychology Articles, jumping jacks and so on. Stay hard! Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com ABOUT THE AUTHOR Marko Rakic is a trail runner and fitness enthusiast from Sydney, Australia. He is the lead writer for The Ultimate Primate and believes the best way to live a happy life is to take a holistic approach to fitness and health. Health Business Finance Travel Technology Home Repair Computers Marketing Autos Education Entertainment Family Law Other Communication ECommerce Sports Home Business Internet Self Help Partners California Bail Bonds Bounty Hunters Immigration Attorney Moving Relocation Services Alpine Car Audio Carpet Cleaning Los Angeles Free Articles Home | Register | Submit an Article | Links | Contact | Archive | XML/RSS Feed Terms of Service | Privacy Policy Page loaded in 0.154 seconds good 4 u plagiarism Free Articles, Free Web Content, Reprint Articles Tuesday, November 16, 2021 Search Free Articles, Free Web Content, Reprint ArticlesRegisterAll CategoriesTop AuthorsSubmit Article (Article Submission)ContactSubscribe Free Articles, Free Web Content, Reprint Articles RELATED ARTICLES Top Plastic Surgeons – Some Key Aspects of Top Plastic Surgeons The Marketing Power of Social Proof - Testimonials Sell Breast Augmentation- Ask These Questions When You Consult With Plastic Surgeons Plastic Surgeons Reconstruct And Mold Plastic Surgeons and Addiction Plastic Surgeons: Types of Procedures They Perform Consulting With Plastic Surgeons Plastic Surgeons: Important Inquiries The Role of Social Proof In Marketing Plastic Surgeons - Helping a Patient Achieve a Desired Outward Appearance Houston Plastic Surgeons Are Among The Best In The World Finding An Excellent Plastic Surgeon Is A Matter Of Research Plastic Surgeons Finding the Right Plastic Surgeons Selecting from Your City's Plastic Surgeons RSS Digg: Social Proof Marketing for Plastic Surgeons Email: Social Proof Marketing for Plastic Surgeons Premium Author Catherine Maley, MBA Social Proof Marketing for Plastic Surgeons Business Articles | September 16, 2021 Why do some surgeons charge 3-5X more than other surgeons… AND have a waiting list? Why do vendors in our industry pay a ton of money to celebs to tout their lasers? Because they know s... Why do some surgeons charge 3-5X more than other surgeons… AND have a waiting list? Why do vendors in our industry pay a ton of money to celebs to tout their lasers? Because they know social proof marketing works! WHAT IS SOCIAL PROOF MARKETING? According to Robert Cialdini, author of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, “We view a behavior as more correct in a given situation to the degree that we see others performing it.” That means when prospective cosmetic patients are uncertain about what to do, they look to other people around them they trust (or want to be like) such as experts, celebrities, friends, etc. People also make judgments based on their overall impression of someone. For example: We think anything that experts use is great because they are probably more knowledgeable than us in their area of specialization. We buy products endorsed by celebrities because we want to look like them. We trust user reviews because they have experienced the product or service, unlike ourselves. 5 TYPES OF SOCIAL PROOF Expert: Expert social proof is when an expert in your industry recommends your products or services or is associated with your brand. Example: Another trusted plastic surgeon endorses you. Celebrity: Celebrity social proof is when a celebrity endorses your products. Example: Any Kardashian sings your praises. User: User social proof is when your current users recommend your products and services based on their experiences with your brand. Example: Your current patients boast about you on their own social platforms. The wisdom of your friends: This type of social proof is when people see their friends approve of your product or service. Example: Seeing their friends use your services and/or following you on social media. Certification: This type of social proof is when you are given a stamp of approval by an authoritative figure/group in your industry. Example: Voted Top Doc or Castle Connolly endorsement. Knowing these strategies is interesting but how do you incorporate them to make a difference in your own brand and status? Coming up…. 5 WAYS TO BOOST YOUR SOCIAL PROOF Be creative and don’t be afraid to share your successes. Things you take for granted are a big deal to prospective cosmetic patients trying to figure out who is the BEST choice so implement these strategies to stand out: Celebrate Milestones Show gratitude for your user or follower milestones. Reaching milestones is a fun occasion to celebrate and a great time to thank the patients who have helped you achieve that. Here are some of the milestones you can celebrate with your audience: Reaching X patients served Reaching X surgeries performed Reaching X followers on your social media profile Practice Anniversaries Spread the word by sharing on your social media platforms, send e-blasts to your current patients, display in-house signage, and highlight on your website. Use Micro-Influencer Marketing Since you probably can’t get a Kardashian to be your celebrity social proof, here’s the next best thing. Use your current patients with a strong social media influence in a niche area. It’s way more authentic when they actually had work done by you. Give them special pricing for helping you grow your practice. Have your staff ask your patients about their social followers in a conversational way or check out their stats on Instagram and Facebook and ask them how they got so many followers. They will be happy to brag about it. Reviews Patient reviews are huge in our industry. The most effective way to get reviews is to ask for them once the patient is healed and ecstatic about their new look. But make it easy for them. If they don’t have a Gmail account, set one up for them. If they don’t know what to say, give them starter sentences like these: I wanted plastic surgery because I was unhappy with my ______________ I chose Dr. Smith because _______________ Dr. Smith and his staff were __________ during my surgical journey. How I feel now ____________________ It’s the patient’s story that is so interesting to other prospective patients who want to experience that story also. Before/After Photos Cosmetic patients love to “see” your work and “the more the merrier”. Develop a protocol (just like you do for surgery) for your processes to get your patients before AND after photos, along with consent. Set up a photo room or corner/closet in your practice with the same lightening and angles so your photos are uniform and professional looking. Even if they won’t agree to broadcast their photos all over the Internet, they may be ok if you show prospective patients during their consultation. And here’s a tip about photos…a prospective patient wants to see themselves in your photos so have a variety of ethnicities and ages for them to preview. Turn Your Staff into Walking/Talking Testimonials People tend to adopt the opinions or actions of people they trust so turn your staff into your free sales ambassadors. There is nothing more compelling than a prospective patient seeing another cosmetic patient standing in front of them who has already experienced plastic surgery from you. Your staff can share her story and show would-be patients their results. Have your staff consent to the use of their photos, written testimonial, and shoot a video testimonial to use in social media and YouTube. When a prospective patient is in for a consultation for a particular procedureFind Article, have that staff person spend a minute with the prospective patient showing off their result. That’s how you convert more surgical consultations the easier way. Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com ABOUT THE AUTHOR Since Year 2000, Catherine Maley, MBA has been a plastic surgery growth business and marketing consultant, author, speaker, trainer, blogger, and podcaster. 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pipe application in ocean engineering, water engineering:pile driving steel pipe Alloy Steel Pipe Corrosion Reasons SSAW Steel Pipe and LSAW Steel Pipe Oil Casing Testing Method Method of piling up steel pipe The Characteristics of Thermal Expansion Steel Pipe Analysis on how to choose material for steel supporting structure steel pipe Reused or Recycled Welded Steel Pipe Comparative analysis of SSAW, LSAW, ERW Steel Pipe Difference Between High Frequency Straight Seam Welded Pipe and Seamless Steel Tube Introduction of 3PE anticorrosive steel pipe spiral welded steel pipe Difference Between Carbon Steel Pipe and Mild Steel Pipe Differences Between Seamless Casing and ERW Casing Comparison of ERW Steel Pipe and Seamless Steel Pipe How To Distinguish The Carbon Steel Pipe RSS Digg: Analysis of Steel Pipe Pile Types and Characteristics Email: Analysis of Steel Pipe Pile Types and Characteristics Premium Author lvy lee12 Analysis of Steel Pipe Pile Types and Characteristics Business Articles | September 16, 2021 Steel pipe piles are commonly used components in the construction of bridge pile foundations. It has the advantages of high bearing capacity, flexible piling and fast construction speed. For complex t... Steel pipe piles are commonly used components in the construction of bridge pile foundations. It has the advantages of high bearing capacity, flexible piling and fast construction speed. For complex terrain, steel pipe piles are more suitable for this environment. 1) Type of steel pile Types of steel piles There are currently three types of steel piles commonly used in engineering construction, namely steel pipe piles, profile steel piles, and steel sheet piles. 1. Compared with other steel piles, steel pipe piles have their unique advantages in many aspects. For example, bending stiffness, single pile bearing capacity and many other aspects. 2. Shaped steel piles I and H are the more common cross-sectional shapes of steel piles. Both I and H-shaped steel piles can be used in horizontal load and vertical load bearing. 3. The steel sheet pile has many forms, and the shape of the interface grooves on both sides are different. After the second sheet pile is in place, take the notch on the side of the first sheet pile as the driving position. In this way, multiple sheet piles can form a relatively complete sheet along the coast (or river bank) Pile wall. In addition, a group of steel sheet piles can also be used to form a survey, or as a temporary support protection when excavating a foundation pit. 2) Analysis of the characteristics of steel pipe piles 1. There are many specifications and a variety of options. At this stage, the finalized production of steel pipe piles on the market has a variety of specifications. Choose the most suitable application from a variety of specifications, so that the advantages of steel pipe piles can be fully utilized to meet the safety of the project. The requirements of sex and economy. 2. The bearing capacity is strong, and the steel pipe piles used in the project construction at this stage are mostly low-carbon steel. The material is strong in strength, tension, compression and other aspects, and after being processed into steel pipes, its level of bending resistance is relatively high, and it is suitable for application in geological environments with strong bearing layers. , So that its force characteristics can be fully exerted. 3. It is easy to adjust the pile length and improve economic efficiency. The conventional length of each section of steel pipe pile is 6 m, and the length is connected by welding. If the buried depth of the bearing layer changes, the steel pipe pile can be combined with the pile sinking situation. Welding or cutting treatment. In addition, the cut out part of the steel pipe pile can also be used in welding other steel pipe piles, which avoids the waste of resources, and can also accurately control the design elevation of the pile top, which is beneficial to the construction. 4. The soil squeezing situation is slight. Most of the steel pipe piles are of open type, and the pipe wall of the steel pipe piles is thin, which reduces the uplift of the topsoil and the squeezed soil, and reduces the interference of the pressed piles on the soil and surrounding facilities. In addition, steel pipe piles can also be intensively constructed in a small area. Therefore, through the classification of steel piles and the characteristics of steel pipe piles explained above, everyone can better understand and use them rationally, thereby improving the quality of construction. 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Published May 18, 2017 Many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work or borrowing someone else's original ideas. But terms like "copying" and "borrowing" can disguise the seriousness of the offense: According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, to "plagiarize" means: to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own to use (another's production) without crediting the source to commit literary theft to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward. But can words and ideas really be stolen? According to U.S. law, the answer is yes. The expression of original ideas is considered intellectual property and is protected by copyright laws, just like original inventions. Almost all forms of expression fall under copyright protection as long as they are recorded in some way (such as a book or a computer file). All of the following are considered plagiarism: turning in someone else's work as your own copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit failing to put a quotation in quotation marks giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not (see our section on "fair use" rules) Most cases of plagiarism can be avoided, however, by citing sources. Simply acknowledging that certain material has been borrowed and providing your audience with the information necessary to find that source is usually enough to prevent plagiarism. See our section on citation for more information on how to cite sources properly. What about images, videos, and music? Using an image, video or piece of music in a work you have produced without receiving proper permission or providing appropriate citation is plagiarism. The following activities are very common in today’s society. Despite their popularity, they still count as plagiarism. Copying media (especially images) from other websites to paste them into your own papers or websites. Making a video using footage from others’ videos or using copyrighted music as part of the soundtrack. Performing another person’s copyrighted music (i.e., playing a cover). Composing a piece of music that borrows heavily from another composition. Certainly, these media pose situations in which it can be challenging to determine whether or not the copyrights of a work are being violated. For example: A photograph or scan of a copyrighted image (for example: using a photograph of a book cover to represent that book on one’s website) Recording audio or video in which copyrighted music or video is playing in the background. Re-creating a visual work in the same medium. (for example: shooting a photograph that uses the same composition and subject matter as someone else’s photograph) Re-creating a visual work in a different medium (for example: making a painting that closely resembles another person’s photograph). Re-mixing or altering copyrighted images, video or audio, even if done so in an original way. The legality of these situations, and others, would be dependent upon the intent and context within which they are produced. The two safest approaches to take in regards to these situations is: 1) Avoid them altogether or 2) Confirm the works’ usage permissions and cite them properly. Related Resources Is it Plagiarism? My Teacher and I Don't Agree Published May 26, 2017 Paul and his teacher don't agree about the use of "common knowledge." Turnitin Draft Coach™ Turnitin Draft Coach™ helps students improve their academic writing and research skills by providing instant feedback where they write. Available for Turnitin Feedback Studio and Turnitin Originality customers. The Turnitin Plagiarism Spectrum The Plagiarism Spectrum identifies 10 types of plagiarism based on findings from a worldwide survey of nearly 900 secondary and higher education instructors. Blog Papers Articles Videos Ask the Experts For Students For Instructors For Researchers For Education Leaders Sponsored by Turnitin logo © 2017 Turnitin, LLC. 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Zonodig worden ook juridische stappen ondernomen." "Lütfen Konuk defteri uygun kullan! Mantiksiz veya küstah yorumlar derhal silininecektir. ?zel durumlarda hatta kanuni tarafindan silmeye mecburiyetteyiz!" "Livre d'hôtes fonctionnant sans base de données, respectant les normes d'accessibilité, muni de protection anti-pourriel et internationalisé" "Please insert the letter and number combination into the text field before submitting the guestbook entry" "E-Guest Demo (Perl CGI Guestbook System)" "Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright" "Wir behalten uns vor, unangebrachte oder gar den guten Geschmack verletzende Beitr?ge ersatzlos zu l?schen."v "N'hésitez pas à signer notre livre d'or QuickTalk." "Powered by Lazarus Guestbook" "Powered by: Silentum Guestbook" "by Felix Riesterer. Copyright 2008 - free software under LGPL." "Powered by: Megabook" "van Felix Riesterer. Copyright 2008-2010 - vrije Software onder LGPL."" 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Zonodig worden ook juridische stappen ondernomen." "Lütfen Konuk defteri uygun kullan! Mantiksiz veya küstah yorumlar derhal silininecektir. ?zel durumlarda hatta kanuni tarafindan silmeye mecburiyetteyiz!" "Livre d'hôtes fonctionnant sans base de données, respectant les normes d'accessibilité, muni de protection anti-pourriel et internationalisé" "Please insert the letter and number combination into the text field before submitting the guestbook entry" "E-Guest Demo (Perl CGI Guestbook System)" "Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright" "Wir behalten uns vor, unangebrachte oder gar den guten Geschmack verletzende Beitr?ge ersatzlos zu l?schen."v "N'hésitez pas à signer notre livre d'or QuickTalk." "Powered by Lazarus Guestbook" "Powered by: Silentum Guestbook" "by Felix Riesterer. Copyright 2008 - free software under LGPL." "Powered by: Megabook" "van Felix Riesterer. Copyright 2008-2010 - vrije Software onder LGPL."" 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Zonodig worden ook juridische stappen ondernomen." "Lütfen Konuk defteri uygun kullan! Mantiksiz veya küstah yorumlar derhal silininecektir. ?zel durumlarda hatta kanuni tarafindan silmeye mecburiyetteyiz!" "Livre d'hôtes fonctionnant sans base de données, respectant les normes d'accessibilité, muni de protection anti-pourriel et internationalisé" "Please insert the letter and number combination into the text field before submitting the guestbook entry" "E-Guest Demo (Perl CGI Guestbook System)" "Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright" "Wir behalten uns vor, unangebrachte oder gar den guten Geschmack verletzende Beitr?ge ersatzlos zu l?schen."v "N'hésitez pas à signer notre livre d'or QuickTalk." "Powered by Lazarus Guestbook" "Powered by: Silentum Guestbook" "by Felix Riesterer. Copyright 2008 - free software under LGPL." "Powered by: Megabook" "van Felix Riesterer. Copyright 2008-2010 - vrije Software onder LGPL."" 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Zonodig worden ook juridische stappen ondernomen." "Lütfen Konuk defteri uygun kullan! Mantiksiz veya küstah yorumlar derhal silininecektir. ?zel durumlarda hatta kanuni tarafindan silmeye mecburiyetteyiz!" "Livre d'hôtes fonctionnant sans base de données, respectant les normes d'accessibilité, muni de protection anti-pourriel et internationalisé" "Please insert the letter and number combination into the text field before submitting the guestbook entry" "E-Guest Demo (Perl CGI Guestbook System)" "Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright" "Wir behalten uns vor, unangebrachte oder gar den guten Geschmack verletzende Beitr?ge ersatzlos zu l?schen."v "N'hésitez pas à signer notre livre d'or QuickTalk." "Powered by Lazarus Guestbook" "Powered by: Silentum Guestbook" "by Felix Riesterer. Copyright 2008 - free software under LGPL." "Powered by: Megabook" "van Felix Riesterer. Copyright 2008-2010 - vrije Software onder LGPL."" 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Zonodig worden ook juridische stappen ondernomen." "Lütfen Konuk defteri uygun kullan! Mantiksiz veya küstah yorumlar derhal silininecektir. ?zel durumlarda hatta kanuni tarafindan silmeye mecburiyetteyiz!" "Livre d'hôtes fonctionnant sans base de données, respectant les normes d'accessibilité, muni de protection anti-pourriel et internationalisé" "Please insert the letter and number combination into the text field before submitting the guestbook entry" "E-Guest Demo (Perl CGI Guestbook System)" "Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright" "Wir behalten uns vor, unangebrachte oder gar den guten Geschmack verletzende Beitr?ge ersatzlos zu l?schen."v "N'hésitez pas à signer notre livre d'or QuickTalk." "Powered by Lazarus Guestbook" "Powered by: Silentum Guestbook" "by Felix Riesterer. Copyright 2008 - free software under LGPL." "Powered by: Megabook" "van Felix Riesterer. Copyright 2008-2010 - vrije Software onder LGPL."" 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Zonodig worden ook juridische stappen ondernomen." "Lütfen Konuk defteri uygun kullan! Mantiksiz veya küstah yorumlar derhal silininecektir. ?zel durumlarda hatta kanuni tarafindan silmeye mecburiyetteyiz!" "Livre d'hôtes fonctionnant sans base de données, respectant les normes d'accessibilité, muni de protection anti-pourriel et internationalisé" "Please insert the letter and number combination into the text field before submitting the guestbook entry" "E-Guest Demo (Perl CGI Guestbook System)" "Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright" "Wir behalten uns vor, unangebrachte oder gar den guten Geschmack verletzende Beitr?ge ersatzlos zu l?schen."v "N'hésitez pas à signer notre livre d'or QuickTalk." "Powered by Lazarus Guestbook" "Powered by: Silentum Guestbook" "by Felix Riesterer. Copyright 2008 - free software under LGPL." "Powered by: Megabook" "van Felix Riesterer. Copyright 2008-2010 - vrije Software onder LGPL."" 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